Teen Counseling

Encouraging Teenagers to Find their Voice

Teen Counseling

“Stop trying to be less of who you are. Let this time in your life cut you open and drain all of the things that are holding you back.”

— Jennifer Elisabeth, Born Ready: Unleash Your Inner Dream Girl

You Don’t Understand!

Your alarm jolts you awake, signaling the start of another day. As you stumble through your morning routine, there's a fleeting moment of calm. But as the thoughts of uncertainty about what awaits you at school creep in, you feel the familiar knot of fear tightening in your chest. Will your school be the next headline on the 5 o'clock news?

Let's be real—teens today have a lot on their plates. It's not just about dealing with bullying and navigating self-esteem issues; it's about survival. The relentless balancing act of managing extracurricular activities, maintaining friendships, keeping up with schoolwork, juggling part-time jobs, fulfilling mandated community service, attending family events, navigating the complexities of college applications, staying connected through social media, and finding time to rest can leave anyone feeling like they're teetering on the edge of a breakdown.

For teenagers who are still in the process of developing their identity, the weight of it all can be more than overwhelming—it's downright terrifying.

You Deserve Your Own Space

The last time you visited a counselor, they uttered those words:

“I could never be a teenager these days.”

For a fleeting moment, you felt a sense of validation, until the weight of their statement sank in. Not only did they fail to grasp the depth of what you're going through, but the mere thought of navigating your world terrified them. Suddenly, you realize that your counseling sessions will be spent trying to explain the complexities of your reality, rather than receiving the support you desperately need.

As this reality sets in, you begin to question whether therapy is even worth it. You start to believe that no one will truly understand what you're experiencing.

At The Therapy Office, our teen counselors aren’t here to paint a picture-perfect, unicorn-and-rainbows version of your life. We're here to provide you with a safe space where you're heard, validated, and equipped with real, practical tools that actually work for you.

We understand the immense pressures weighing on today's teenagers. The expectations of adulthood loom over your soul, demanding that you grow up faster than ever before. But we refuse to buy into that narrative. Instead, we're here to empower you to discover your identity at your own pace, free from the constraints of societal expectations.

Let’s Navigate the Scary Stuff Together

At The Therapy Office, counseling is more than just a one-sided conversation—it's a collaborative journey tailored to your needs. Here, you'll have the opportunity to explore and embrace your true identity amidst the pressures and expectations imposed by adults in your life.

We welcome the opportunity to delve into the deepest, most daunting aspects of your life. Together, we'll unravel the tangled web of thoughts and emotions that may be holding you back, working hand in hand to find clarity and peace in your relationships—with family, friends, and beyond.

We understand that family dynamics can be complex and sometimes overwhelming. Rest assured, everything you share with us is held in strict confidence. If we're addressing challenging relationships with parents or guardians, we'll work with you to determine what information is safe to disclose and what you prefer to keep private.

Our goal is to equip you with the tools and strategies to navigate difficult conversations, improve communication within your relationships, combat anxiety, manage depression, and create an identity that feels like you. Here, you're in a safe space where you can express yourself freely.

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.

— Steve Jobs


  • No. Parents are not expected to go to sessions with their teens. We encourage parents to give their teens the space that they need to grow through independent therapy.

  • Therapy with any individual is completely confidential regardless of age. The only time we involve your parents or guardians is if you request it or if we need to create a safety plan (due to suicidal thoughts or plans). We will always discuss this with you before initiating content with a third party.

  • Yes, when the appointment is set up, your parents will have to sign the terms and privacy papers. This is all done through their own unique log in to the client portal.

  • When you fill out the new client form, let us know what type of insurance you have. We’ll verify that we are in network with your plan and tell you what your cost is per session.

  • To get started on your healing journey, fill out our new client form here: New Client Form

    If you are a parent, make sure to put your child’s name on the form and the contact number you want us to call to set up the appointment. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 479-334-7293